Morning routine for sucess

create a sucessful morning routine

Image Source: Flickr ‍ Our days don’t stop when we hit the bed. In fact, our days continue long after we’ve finally closed our eyes. Whether you’re a night owl or a lark, you probably know how central a defined morning routine can be to getting your day off to the right start. The secret […]

14 Foods to reduce stress, anxiety and depression

what to eat when stressed

When you’re stressed or anxious, it can be difficult to think about anything other than your current predicament. And while it might not always seem that way, the stress you experience directly impacts your physical and mental health. Chronic stress can have an adverse effect on your emotional well-being and even trigger anxiety attacks if […]

How Thought Works – Update Your Core Beliefs!

This is how thoughts work. I’m walking past the bakery shop; I missed breakfast. An unconscious thought occurs. I see the food display… pasties, pastries, bread. My body tells me I am hungry. My physiology starts. My mouth waters as I pay attention to the food display.  Do I go in and purchase something, or […]

Stress – What causes your stress?

When you stop to consider what causes your stress, could the answer be your relationships? Financial issues? Your job? The weather? Whilst I understand your thinking, I have come to see that this is not actually true! Stress is totally created and experienced, in the body, by an individual. Allow me to explain, using a […]